Our Mission


Improve the Success, Survivability, and Sustainability of Mission Critical Teams

If tomorrow you were told that you had six months to build a team to resolve a future radical change event, how would you do it? How do you teach something you may not have a language for? How do you teach someone to ride a bike? As soon as you start considering this problem, you encounter the Tacit Knowledge Transfer Problem. Just because you may be an expert cyclist does not mean you possess the language or the skills to be an expert cycling instructor.

What would be your methodologies, frameworks, and/or underlying assumptions?

Our goal, in partnering with both researchers and practitioners, is to develop collaborative applied research focused on helping Mission Critical Teams effectively detect, recognize, react, respond, and recover from the radical change events caused by rapidly emergent complex adaptive problem sets

The Instructor Cadres within Emergency Medicine, Urban and Wildland Fire, Tactical Law Enforcement, or Military Special Operations face this problem every day. The Mission Critical Team Institute was founded to partner with Mission Critical Team Instructor Cadres to develop a more precise and scientifically valid language, to more efficiently and effectively transfer tacit knowledge.


The original Mission Critical Team Initiative (MCTI) was founded in 2016 at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania with the purpose of trying to understand and improve how individuals and teams learn to navigate uncertainty. It was created at the urging of specific teams within the U.S. Joint Special Operations Command and the Federal Bureau of Investigation out of a need for an independent applied research and education organization focused on improving Recruitment, Assessment, Selection, Training, Education, and Professional Development of the human factors within Mission Critical Teams. In 2018, the initiative transitioned into the independent Mission Critical Team© Institute, which currently serves a collaborative inquiry community that includes teams in Aerospace (NASA), Military Special Operations (FVEY Community), Tactical Law Enforcement, Urban and Wilderness Fire Fighting, Mission Critical Medicine, and Professional Sports from around the world. Our intent is to support teams to continuously develop their internal resources so that their missions become more successful, sustainable, and survivable through:

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